• The pain does not go away. This is a sign the back pain you are experiencing is not a result of facet joint problems.
  • The pain goes away for a few hours but then comes back. This means the back pain is likely from facet joint problems and your doctor may recommend additional treatment in that area.
  • The pain goes away after the block and stays away for several days. If your injection included a steroid that reduced inflammation, you may experience relief for a while. This is a sign that you may benefit from further treatment to the facet joint area and medial nerves.

What are the Benefits?

How Do I Prepare?

How is it Done or Administered?

  • Monitoring. Your vitals will be monitored to ensure there are no concerns your doctor should be aware of before the procedure.
  • Sedation. Typically, you’ll be given a sedative to calm anxiety and relax muscles.
  • Positioned face down or on your side. This will provide the best access for the injection.
  • Local anesthesia [ann-ess-TEE-see-uh] administered. This usually causes the most discomfort during the procedure and is described as a mild stinging or burning sensation.
  • Injection occurs. This lasts just a few seconds and usually can’t be felt because of the anesthesia.
  • Recovery. You’ll be observed for a period of time after the injection to ensure there are no complications.